The wind pumps remove heat, humidity, fumes, odor pollution and accumulated inside the premises or ship, thanks to its high extraction capacity.
The wind pumps restored oxygen levels necessary to provide environmental conditions significantly affect own work performance of employees, increasing productivity.
For these reasons and not to generate operating and maintenance costs, the Atmospheric Wind Extractor constitutes the best and most affordable choice in industrial ventilation.
These pumps are ideal for those farms that have high temperature problems.
Wind extractors extract fumes, gases, vapors, dust, humidity, odors, renewing the ambient air inside.
Its streamlined design allows total savings, so it requires no maintenance, lubrication, corrosion, noise, water leaks and paint.
The exhaust air constantly renewed farms within their environment (24 hours). Reduce heat load generated by the production process.
The wind raises the exhaust temperature control rates: temperatures balances: internal / external (in the shade).
Totally waterproof.
Revive The wind exhaust oxygen levels providing a more healthy environment.
The farms are an effective exhaust ventilation 24 hours. the day.
Los Extractors do not use wind power.