- Ventilation System in Broiler Sheds
El The rhinestone heat in broilers resulting from a negative balance of the amount of energy that flows between the animal and the environment. The main factors that would affect sunlight, thermal radiation and air temperature, the heat production in broilers is particularly high because the rate of growth is maintained by a high energy, retaining 40% releasing 60% as heat.
- Wind exhaust system
- In the cold or lower temperatures, broilers does not suffer from these problems, but the ability to dissipate heat decreases during the rhinestones, the possibilities of engaging life and his struggle to survive low food consumption, leading to suppression of weight gain, to remedy this problem you need to use convection, by passing a current of air through the bird so that they dissipate their heat.
- The role of wind pumps is to provide additional heat resistance to the passage of heat from the ceiling. The greater number of wind pumps, the lower the heat entering the house as this is kept constantly working 24 hours a day.
- Adequate ventilation means removing the correct amount of air at the right time and in a manner that changes the temperature, humidity and stale air renewed is in the shed to prime values for the development of birds.
- Appropriate temperature should be kept within the house goes from 32 ºC in both winter and summer ventilation control can maintain the temperature within the thermo neutral zone, in addition to very high temperatures not only reduce growth, but they can even cause death.
- Ventilation Systems in Swine Farms Sheds.
In a situation where pigs are confined air be a necessity. This need comes from the production of gases, moisture, dust and organic compounds in high concentrations are harmful to animals.
- In the artificial ventilation of air renewal depends on the operation of power driven equipment or farm operation, a system failure can cause suffocation and death of many animals.
Our wind energy extraction equipment that come inside a mesh in order to maintain a good temperature in the little farm in any year.
The animals are sensitive to noise and put a team that will be generated by causing a loud banging as when you turn it on and off, so the most viable solution would be to wind the fans because they are totally silent.